Off he goes...
/It's fair to say Ive been neglecting this blog the past month, but that's because it suddenly occurred to me that I was down to my last days with Pablo before he entered the school system and was no longer *mine*. Once school began he would see them more than me, which breaks my heart a little. So we've been making the most of the blissfully hot last summer days and traipsing to parks and museums and farms, trying to fill these final days with adventures together, generally leaving me too exhausted to string a sentence together. But it looks like I'm back in the blogging saddle, because yesterday this happened...
Sure, there will be nobody here nagging me to stop checking Instagram on my phone and play cars instead for the trillionth time, or whining that they absolutely must watch TV immediately or they won't be my friend anymore. But what about all the nonchalant "love you, mum!"s he throws my way, the cheeky remarks and chuckles and heart-melting dance routines to Singing in the Rain? I'm not sure I can handle the sudden cutback from seven full days a week of that to two. And thanks to slightly terrifying new laws I no longer have jurisdiction over his schedule, really, as the school expects him there every single day on pain of financial penalty. So no sneaky long weekends or extra days together. Well, I'll see what I can do...