christmastime: mama's wishlist part 1

Husband & I are danger of making one of those "don't get me anything big this year" pacts, but let's pretend we're not... 

  1. I'v never even smelled this but it's called Coqui-Coqui Coco-Coco so I MUST OWN IT. They also have a bloody lovely looking spa residence in Tulum. Please can I go? Please?
  2. Take a minute to imagine how AWESOME it would be to own this entire rainbow of Marimekko ice cream bowls. Just me? Ok, I know I don't have enough space (or enough friends?!) to justify such an extravagance, but for aesthetics alone...swoon. From Skandium.
  3. I am going through very nice, not un-pricey coffee like wildfire because I keep trying to make espresso-strong coffee in my beloved cafetiere. That and the tedium of heating milk in a saucepan each day MUST STOP. Please Santa.... Dualit espresso machine.