crush of the week

Another week, another want. Beautiful mini Ace & Jig-lets from Darling Clementine, now available for pre-order. Just perfect...

As usual I am also lusting after the mama-sized versions for my essential imaginary wardrobe of dreams... 

crush of the week

Dyeing of love (see what I did there?) for these beautiful little jumpsuits and culottes from Wolfechild. Is $58 for some dip dye culottes a little silly? fact, in my world, it's a lot silly. But aren't they beautiful!? When I next have acres of uninterrupted spare time, preceded by a full night's sleep and the foresight to buy all the materials, I absolutely plan on forging ahead with some home made ombre jumpsuit creation. Watch this space.  

crush of the week

With the streets of London awash with ice and grime, and hot Mediterranean summers looming on the horizon...of my's only natural I should start dreaming of baby bloomers. Right? There is nothing sweeter than little cotton toddler baggies, pantaloons and knickers in beautiful prints and patterns. Indy's drawers (HA!) are fairly stuffed with them already, and she has been sporting them all winter long over tights, which I think has been a pretty rad look for her... Of course, as with most of these baby clothes crushes, my real wish is that they made them in my size. (Luckily for the rest of mankind, they don't.) Indy's top most awesome pair of bloomers are from Simple Kids - white knickers with metallic green and pink thread running through! - though I just had a proper hunt and can't find anywhere currently selling any online. SAD TIMES. Or just another excuse to pop to Liberty, where I got her last pair? I remember standing there, pregnant and bewildered, for what felt like hours as there were so many incredible patterns to choose from. In the meantime, feast your eyes on these beautiful little summer trousies from Caramel...

beautiful bloomers by Caramel! Yours for an eye-watering £52...

beautiful bloomers by Caramel! Yours for an eye-watering £52...