crush of the week

Dyeing of love (see what I did there?) for these beautiful little jumpsuits and culottes from Wolfechild. Is $58 for some dip dye culottes a little silly? fact, in my world, it's a lot silly. But aren't they beautiful!? When I next have acres of uninterrupted spare time, preceded by a full night's sleep and the foresight to buy all the materials, I absolutely plan on forging ahead with some home made ombre jumpsuit creation. Watch this space.  

leafy goodness

So pleased with how my Thanksgiving decorations have turned out... I've made a zillion chains for our pop up dinner. I drew a maple leaf onto some foam board and then cut out about 20 at a time from Pablo's IKEA drawing paper roll. After sewing together 40 per chain, I folded them back into a stack and dipped them in orange, pink, brown and green inks and popped them on the radiator to dry. So quick! What to do with them for the rest of the year...