crush of the week

Another week, another want. Beautiful mini Ace & Jig-lets from Darling Clementine, now available for pre-order. Just perfect...

As usual I am also lusting after the mama-sized versions for my essential imaginary wardrobe of dreams... 

crush of the week

Dyeing of love (see what I did there?) for these beautiful little jumpsuits and culottes from Wolfechild. Is $58 for some dip dye culottes a little silly? fact, in my world, it's a lot silly. But aren't they beautiful!? When I next have acres of uninterrupted spare time, preceded by a full night's sleep and the foresight to buy all the materials, I absolutely plan on forging ahead with some home made ombre jumpsuit creation. Watch this space.  

crush of the week

ALARM....oh so many alarms....the new Mini Rodini collection features a tiger print skirted swimsuit. It's not cool that someone of my age get this excited about tiny swimwear. Also adoring this little t-shirt. Both added to my wish wish wish list.

​available from Shak Shuka 

the little sew and sew


I made some little moccasins for Indiana! It's my first attempt and I'm rather smug about the results. After some wrangling with the sewing machine tension it was a lot less tricky than I imagined. Going to make a zillion more pairs when I can next rustle up the time. Many thanks to my mama for helping to draw the pattern, which was loosely based on one I bought from i think sew about a year ago and have been aching to use since then. 

crush of the week...

Thank you magical Pinterest for drawing my eyes to this little beauty. Well, thanks & no thanks - because it's sold out, and I can't much decipher how much it was anyway. But isn't it the dreamiest?? Anything alpaca is always so soft and snug...and the lining! Swoon...

From Japanese shop Antena.

From Japanese shop Antena.


Indiana turned a whole six months old today, which is completely nuts. Half a year has passed like lightning. We have been taking a polaroid a month (to the day) of her, ​just as we did with Pablo. I compared their polaroids today and they look almost identical, both with little elfin ears and beautiful big eyes. 

Pablo on the left and Indy on the right, both at exactly 6 months old​

Pablo on the left and Indy on the right, both at exactly 6 months old​

I went through the mass of current baby clothes and weeded out the 3-6monthers, replacing with the 6-12monthers from our enormous horde of Pablo's hand-me-downs and things I maybe couldn't resist buying whilst pregnant. I couldn't believe some of the things that are now her size - it feels like just yesterday Pablo was wearing them. Definitely a moment of sheer terror and stunned nostalgia at how quickly time has been zipping along. 

​​​​this little Boden top was always one of my faves on Pablo... happy to see it back in action but HOW did he grow so fast?

​​​this little Boden top was always one of my faves on Pablo... happy to see it back in action but HOW did he grow so fast?