crush of the week...

Bit of a lull in the Crush of the Weeks of late, as I read Hattie's amazing blog Free Our Kids and decided to stop being such a wanter of things! And actually it worked, and I haven't wanted or bought much for a few weeks now. But this blog is a bit overburdened with pictures of cakes and babies if I don't publicly desire some gorgeous stuff once in a while, so I've forced myself to get back in the saddle.  

Ok, so it's another mum and baby matching outfit post. I KNOW - I need to stop. I am not sure it's a good or a bad thing that all of the gorgeous bits of clothing I stumble upon for Indy are magically available in my size too. I've been in love with Beatrice Valenzuela's stuff for ages (and totally follow her rad looking life on Instagram) but just recently re-stumbled across it and remembered how badly I want want want it. All the shoes are handmade from naturally dyed animal skins. I'm all about these ladies' 'Botines' and some hightop 'Combinados' for the kids please. Please?